Is there a way for a millennial like I am to enjoy a movie such as Mamma Mia! that features only the greatest hits of ABBA? Is it possible for someone who barely had any memory of the first movie to enjoy the sequel? The answers to those questions: A BIG YES! United International Pictures invited me last July 17, Monday at the advanced screening of Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again in Glorietta. It was a stormy night but I left the cinema feeling an intense amount of warmth. Continue reading to know why Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Donna’s Legacy
Mild spoiler if you haven’t been paying attention to the trailers but Meryl Streep’s character, Donna, passed away sometime between the first movie and the sequel. Her daughter Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) is now left with the responsibility of fostering the Greek island Donna lived in. She transformed it into a hotel. The preparation for its grand opening served as the setting for the movie. The conflicts- both personal and external- added colors to the already flamboyant story.

While the story explores the events in the present, the spotlight shone the brightest on Donna’s legacy. Lily James captured Meryl Streep’s charisma and exuberant aura as the younger Donna. She even got the looks on point. As the story continuously shifted from the past to present, we got to know more about Donna’s colorful past- how she came to the island, how she decided to live her life, and most importantly, how she met the three significant men in her life.

When the Past Meets the Present
Similar to the first movie, Here We Go Again had the past play a big role in the present. This time, however, the dad dilemma toned down to highlight Sophie’s relationship with each of them. It is a touching part of the film but nothing beats the romance and sheer joy of watching Donna sail through her relationship with the three significant men in her life.
Setting the daddy drama aside, the movie dives further down the family’s past by introducing the extravagant grandmother played none other by the queen, Cher. Her arc answered my longing question: why are these people so talented? I got the answer that I was looking for. She was the distant yet caring, simple yet outstanding character that I fell in love with as soon as she entered the frame.

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again exudes color and positivity that will warm even the coldest heart. It is a beautiful tale of courage, love, and life. The seamless integration of ABBA’s hits to the narrative made the experience a rather memorable one. Tap your feet, bop your head to the hits, or hum along if you want- Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again is beaming with joy and well- glee! Watching the movie felt like listening to a happy eulogy. You know what? In hindsight, it actually is. It is the celebration of Donna’s extraordinarily colorful life!
Director: Ol Parker
Cast: Amanda Seyfried, Meryl Streep, Lily James, Cher
Binge-level: 5 out of 5 stars
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