Ryan Reynold packs more craziness in Deadpool 2.

3 Reasons Missing Deadpool 2 Will Give You #FOMO

Let’s admit it. Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War is the most hyped superhero movie of the year. And for a good reason. It is the culmination of 10 years of Marvel Studios’ superhero movies. But still, fans, comic geeks, and movie goers are excited for the most unique superhero- er, comic character- to ever exist! Deadpool was a huge hilarious (not that way!) success when it came out in 2016. Two years later, the Merc with a Mouth returns for more fourth-wall-breaking gags and pop culture references. If you are a little hesitant about watching Deadpool 2, here are three reasons missing it will give you intense #FOMO. Also, what is wrong with you? 

  1. Emotions! Feels!
    Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool is a mercenary who has an intense regeneration ability. Pay him and he’ll take down people or gangs, leave (mildly!) unscathed, and call it a day. With this as his routine, you would’ve thought that he is a man devoid of emotions and morality. Well, that’s where you are wrong. The sequel dived down his humanity. With Vanessa by his side, the idea of them starting a family riddled their heads. This sparked a hint of change in Wilson which came off as a surprise. If anything else, this just shows that Deadpool is more than just his foul mouth.

    Deadpool 2 takes an emotional dive!
    Deadpool 2 takes an emotional dive! | Credit: 20th Century Fox
  2. Josh Brolin
    Anybody who has seen Infinity War must have been blown away by the actor’s portrayal of the Mad Titan. His Thanos easily made his way to the list of best villains in movies of the recent years. In Deadpool 2, he brought to life the iconic time-travelling cybernetic mutant, Cable. The trailer painted him as the villain but whether that is true is one thing that you need to find out in the movie. With that said, Brolin will definitely make Cable fans happy with his spot-on portrayal of the character. He is intimidating and a force to be reckoned with- a worthy adversary for the Merc with a Mouth.

    Josh Brolin slays as Cable in Deadpool 2.
    Josh Brolin slays as Cable in Deadpool 2. | Credit: 20th Century Fox
  3. Meet the X-Force
    Remember that gag from the first movie where Deadpool asked Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead about the other members of the X-Men? Well, it seems like the studio took the jab and added more mutants in the form of the X-Force. Who are the X-Force, you say? In a nutshell, the X-Force is a team of mutants formed by Cable himself. In Deadpool 2, Deadpool built the team. We see some familiar faces in the adaptation such as Domino and Shatterstar. The X-Force movie is slated for a release in the future as a spin-off but what I guess we’ll just have to make do with this for now. If anything else, it is great to see that the X-Men universe keeps on expanding.

    Kiwi actor Julian Dennison joins Deadpool 2 as a pyrokinetic mutant.
    Kiwi actor Julian Dennison joins Deadpool 2 as a pyrokinetic mutant. | Credit: 20th Century Fox

There you have it, Bingers. Whether you are an X-Men fan or a Deadpool lover, Deadpool 2’s subversive humor is a breath of fresh air. The movie promised raunchier and more explosive humor-packed action scenes and it did deliver that. The depth and character development added was just a cherry on top. Need I give more reasons why you should not miss Deadpool 2?

Director: David Leitch
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin
Binge-level: 4 out of 5 stars.