Save in 3-easy steps with GCash and CIMB | The Little Binger

Save in 3 Steps with GCash and CIMB

Adulting is hard! I mean, Bingers, that is a given fact! As a 27yo working millennial, there were a lot of times when I wish to be a kid again. I miss those times when my only concerns where catching my favorite cartoon at home after class or knowing what to have for lunch in my baon. But nope, life goes on and we have to deal with it. So, “what is it about adulting that’s so hard,” you ask. Honestly for me, it is saving. But you know what, I recently found three easy steps on how to do it with GCash and CIMB and I’ll tell you how!

1. Use GSave on your GCash app.

Bingers, if you do not have the GCash app yet, you should get it now! It made my life so much easier since I got it. I practically do everything in it now: from paying my bills to dining at fastfood restaurants. I even booked a movie on GMovies with it before! But now, I recently discovered a new feature that’s perfect for me who HATES going to the bank: GSave.

Now that you have the app, just login and hit Save Money.

Save in 3-easy steps with GCash and CIMB | The Little Binger
Open your GCash app and press Save Money.

2. Make a deposit.

First things first: you gotta have some money on your account! If you don’t have any yet, load up. What I usually do is I go to 7-11 and deposit money to my GCash account via the CLIQQ kiosk.

Save in 3-easy steps with GCash and CIMB | The Little Binger
You can make a deposit or withdraw funds!

After this step, you can now start saving! The best thing about it is there is no minimum amount. So, if you have some extra cash from your bills, save it instead! You wouldn’t even notice that it’s gone!

3. Save and let it grow with CIMB!

After deciding on the amount that you want to add to your GSave account, confirm your deposit! In an exciting turn of events, GCash partnered with CIMB to ensure our savings!

Save in 3-easy steps with GCash and CIMB | The Little Binger
Enter any amount!

CIMB is a Malaysian bank that promises all-digital banking! I don’t know about you, Bingers, but this promise alone had me signing up with them! As someone who hates the hassle of going to the bank and lining up for almost an hour to transact, banking on my phone is definitely a “YES!” for me. And just to add, saving through this service will earn our money 3 percent per annum, that is ten times higher than most banks offered.

So, Bingers, let’s be more mature adults by starting to have savings. Really, I need to tell this to myself! Luckily for us, It is now easier with GCash and CIMB Bank PH through GSave!

Save in 3-easy steps with GCash and CIMB | The Little Binger
Congratulations on adulting! You just increased your savings!

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