So, Bingers! Who among you are Pokemon fans? How many games have you played and how many animated series have you watched? Me? Well, I played the earlier games on Gameboy and watched the OG series. You can test my knowledge on the first few gens but not on the latter ones! Adulthood happened! LOL But hey, I am still playing Pokemon GO! Why am I asking? Well, I just wanted to know who among my readers are Pokemon fans because, well, I am one! If you are like me, then Pokemon Detective Pikachu is one movie that you should not miss in theatres! Not yet sold? Well, continue reading after the jump because I will give you four reasons to do so!
- Humor and Heart
This should not come as a surprise. Truth be told, the moment that a live-action Pokemon was announced, I was both excited and hesitant because let’s be real, how many anime adaptations have turned out great? Practically none. And don’t even remind me of the nightmare that is Dragonball Evolution! But hey, the more we got to know about it, the more hopeful I become. The most exciting news about it then was Ryan Reynolds’ casting as Pikachu. WHY? I know! I asked the same! Is he going to take the Vin Diesel route and say “I AM GROOT!” the entire time but this time say it with a tinier voice and repeat “PIKA!” Apparently, and thank God, that was not the case! In a weirder yet more satisfying twist, Pikachu speaks human language.Sing me to sleep, Jigglypuff. | The Little Binger | Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures I bet some of you are skeptical about the movie now. Well, don’t be because that was just the start of the craziness. Now that we have a speaking Pikachu, add some Deadpool sass, and you now have a one-of-a-kind Pokemon movie! But hey, in a surprising turn of events, Detective Pikachu was not just all humor. At the core of it is a heart that tugged my heartstrings. So as not to spoil the event, if you have daddy issues, bring some tissues.
- All-New City
Alright, in the games and in the series, we have explored the cities in the world of Pokemon. We knew Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and etc. But in Detective Pikachu, we are going to go an adventure in a totally different new city, Ryme City! In this place, human and Pokemons live harmoniously. They roam around along with their humans and outside of their Pokeballs. What I enjoyed the most about this move was the aesthetic of the place. With neon lights all over the city, it was pretty obvious that it took inspiration from Blade Runner and some other dystopian films, only that this is a picture of Utopia!Go an an adventure in Detective Pikachu | The Little Binger | Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures - Pokemon IRL
This is probably the most exciting thing about the movie! For so many years, I have dreamed of seeing a live-action Pokemon movie just to see how they would look like in real life and Detective Pikachu gave me just that! The incredible designs of each Pokemon that appeared in the movie met (and even) surpassed my expectations! My personal favorites are Pikachu, Bulbasasur, Snubbull, and Torterra!Don’t go crazy like Psyduck in Detective Pikachu | The Little Binger | Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures - Fan Service
This last bit is going to be a bit controversial. As pop culture junkies, we have a love/hate relationship with fan service materials. But hear me out on this, Detective Pikachu is a fan service film and that is a great and smart choice! Pokemon has been around for many years and grew a strong fanbase since. Now that there is finally a movie adaptation of it, it’s just right to please the fans, us! It gave us a chance to explore the Pokemon world, it provided us with a closer look at how they function, we had a great journey, and most of all, we saw the characters that we just learned to love in games and anime in the “actual world”.
Detective Pikachu is a gift for Pokemon fans! It knew how to use the beloved characters and feature them in a story that gave them justice. The newly-crafted world was a great base for new adventures to come. The movie made me laugh, gasp, and most of all, remind me of my childhood and how much love I had for this franchise! It is a story with loads of laughters, big sense of adventure, and a hint of a heart!
Director: Rob Letterman
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Justice Smith, Ken Watanabe, Bill Nighy, Rita Ora
Binge-level: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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