3 Easy Steps How I Migrated My Site to Hostinger

3 Easy Steps How I Migrated My Site to Hostinger

Behind the fun and occassional ~glamour~ of our blogging hobby is a painstaking and budget-busting maintenance. Ok, maybe I exaggerated that bit a little. But what i was pertaining to is the renewal of our hosting and domain. For self-hosted blog sites such as mine, we have to pay a hosting provider to keep our websites up and another for the registration of our domain. How does that go? And how much does it cost? Let’s look into it later but the sweetest deal here is how I made those easily with Hostinger!

The Ins and Out of Hosting a Website

So, first off. Why do we need to have a self-hosted site when WordPress and Blogspot has free blogs? Well the answer is quite simple: having your own website establishes your credibility as a blogger. Having your own site such as TheLittleBinger.com has a nice ring to it, right? But at what cost you may ask?

Well, it varies. Different hosting platforms have different rates and packages for a bloggers’ need. The factors for the differences are the capacity, the need for 24/7 support, and the number of sites to be hosted. These gets renewed every 2 years. On top of that is the cost for domain registration. This one, however, is renewed annually.

In my case, I left my previous provider because the hosting renewal alone is already at P8,000. Meanwhile, my new subscription with Hostinger is over P2,000! What a steal, right?

How To Migrate Easily and Safely to Hostinger?

And here comes the time for site migration. I have had my website since 2016 and this is the second time I migrated. Initially, I signed up with GoDaddy then moved to MochaHost. Back then, I made some mistakes which ended up to the loss of my old articles. As you may see, the oldest I have here on my site are dated 2017 onwards. That really broke me but life goes on. Still, the fear that something might go wrong lingered.

Luckily, it was easy AF with Hostinger! Here’s how:

  1. Sign up with Hostinger.
  2. Select the option to migrate an existing website.
  3. Redirect the nameserver.

I wish I was oversimplifying the process but that literally was just it! Even I cannot believe how easy the whole process was!

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